Only Human

Only Human
we are entitled to our secrets

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

i never use this

just letting anyone who wanders on here that i dont use this blog anymore.

is where i blog occasionally!
see ya there


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

three musketeers evening

so Say, Cay, and Jay all hung out today. We played fuzion frenzy and went to the store and bought lotto tickets with loose change! Cay got a dollar but then wasted it on another lotto ticket which failed miserably. Then we bought pasta, sauce, bread and a star fruit and tangerines with a gift card that Jay stole from his parents. ha. Then we went home, and while waiting for the pasta to cook, we proceeded to eat the whole entire loaf of bread by dipping it in organic red sauce and engulfing it like big fat pigs. Then we ate the pasta and watched scrubs and greys anatomy. What a night right? I know. We also have been planning our trips to florida and our ways of income.

We are going to drive in Jay's prius, a great gas saver, all the way to Miami florida! We found a small place we can rent for a month and when we combined all the costs of food and transportation and stay, we came up with 700$ each. Not too bad for a month right? we are going to have soo much fun, we just hope it all works out! We wanted to get a bar tending license but we aren't too sure about it quite yet. Wouldn't bartending be an awesome and fast way to get cash? We seem to think so. Our only 2 problems are getting past the parental barriers and the money situation. We are all broke. We are starting to save all our loose change and so far Say and Jay have a sufficient fund going, Cay however is very behind. We figured if we keep in change then we wont want to spend it. Although we did spend 3 dollars of it today on lotto tickets. Oh well.

Cay goes back up to school in a week, and Say starts classes again on tuesday. It is such a sad ending to our long break. We are planning to go to the club Thursday night and have a blast, as well as have a sleepover at Jay's on saturday night. Should be a fun week. Wish us luck on our adventures and conquest of finding the funds to go to Florida. Feel free to donate money to us!!!! we need all the help we can get!

~~~ Say & Cay

Monday, January 4, 2010


Tomorrow we are going to start doing our own Post Secrets by putting them everywhere we go. Using sticky notes with our secrets on them. We also want to put some in the mail to PostSecret and in some of the books. Lets hope it works out! Wish us luck! --check it out


Fuzion Frenzy


Let me explain something to you...

Fuzion Frenzy

Is the bane of our existence.

It is life. It is sex. It is love.

We each have our own character that we always play with. Let me remind you that we played the demo of this game when we were younger and fell in love. Not until 2 weeks ago did we finally get the guts and money to go out and buy a wonderful used copy for a whopping 8.99. We were like little kids again. Look up the game if you are interested. Anyways. She is always Naomi, and I am always Geena. We hate most of the other characters and continue to swear and taunt them like they were real. crazy? yea kinda. But i swear we aren't total geeks. Just a little...

in fact, we are about to abandon our blogs to go play it. byeee


Our First Post

We've decided to do something different with our lives instead of the usual playing Fuzion Frenzy and eating cookie dough till we feel sick. It's winter obviously, and as college students we get a generous month long break to spend creating chaos.

When I say we, I obviously mean there is 2 of us, none of that multi-personality disorder shit.

Okay so theres Say, not the word, its a nickname as well as Cay. Obviously we don't want to share our real names, what with all our secrets being out here and all. Or will be. When we actually get around to posting.

I [Say] am an eighteen year old college kid. Well, sort of. I live at home, commuting to school. Trust me, it's not fun. Never make that decision. Ever. I will regret it forever. It's so boring, and plus, my school just sucks. It does allow me to have a job though which is nice. I work at a bookstore... nerdy I know, but I can't help it. Nerdy, like my taste in men. Not kidding. My typical guy is tall, lanky, a geek, weird... Have you ever seen Reid from the show Criminal Minds? Yeah, him. Anyways, then theres my other half....

And I'm Cay, also an eighteen year old girl attending College about an hour and half from home. I love school, the parties and the friends keep me entertained and it makes coming back home something different. I currently don't have a job, though having one would be great but I seem to scare myself away from anything available, which isn't much these days. I am thoroughly happy to be spending my time home with Say and participating in ridiculous teenage shenanigans.

The topic of this blog, random. You will hear things from our childhood escapades and memories to our current thoughts and random topics that literally come out of nowhere, so prepare yourself.

Current Status:
Say- single and looking for a nerdy companion... tehe (obviously written by Cay)
Cay-taken and very confused.

So today, we were losers, not kidding. We drove to verizon and failed to get my phone fixed then took a trip looking for a desk..epic fail. Then continued to our favorite place, Borders which seemed to be a fail. I dragged Say around to another book store only to buy two books and begging to go back to Borders to get the other two i wanted. poor child. How does she put up with me? I've managed to read 4 books since I've been home...2 weeks? And i'm half way through my fifth and set up like 9 books for me to read in the future. All set!

and theres our first post...

Currently Listening to: The Skillet
